3. Functions

In this section, more advanced usage of the two main functions will be discussed:

  • mcpt.permutation_test
  • mcpt.correlation_permation_test

3.1. Common features

There are a number of advanced uses of the functions discussed here that are common to both functions.

3.1.1. Setting the number of permutations

The number of random permutations to be used is set by specifying the n parameter when calling either function. By default this value is 10,000; increasing this value is one approach to narrowing the p-value range returned if required.

3.1.2. Multiprocessing

In order to speed up calculations, both functions are configured to take a cores parameter. This determines the number of (logical) CPUs to be used for permuting; multiprocessing.Pool is used to create a pool of workers, and the permutation calculations farmed across these workers. Note that the default is to use a single core (i.e., not multiprocessed).

3.1.3. Seeding

To allow reproducibility of results, mcpt also implemented seeding, and can be set by passing the seed parameter to either function. By default, seed=None, meaning that two runs of mcpt will not give exactly the same answer unless a seed is explicitly passed. Seeding works in both single core and multi-core versions.

If a seed is given, this is used to seed a random number generator (random.Random), which in turn is used to generate random integers in \([0, 1e100)\) to seed the randomisation in each permutation. If no seed is given, then the initial seed is random.

3.1.4. Confidence

A Monte Carlo permutation test has a random factor and, thus, the p-value returned differs from run-to-run. However, based on the number of permutations and the p-value returned, it is possible to calculate a range in which, with a certain confidence, we can say the true p-value lies in. There are a number of ways to achieve this, but mcpt uses the Wilson score interval binomial approximation approach. The confidence can be set by passing the confidence parameter, where confidence is a float – for example, passing confidence = 0.999 means that there is a \(1/1000\) chance that the true p-value lies outside the interval returned by the function called.

3.2. Permutation test

There are two main advanced uses to consider with the mcpt.permutation_test function. The first is passing a custom function, and the second is using multi-dimensional inputs.

3.2.1. Using a custom function

Normally, x and y passed to the function are one dimensional iterables (e.g., a list) of values. For this section, we will assume this is the case, but the next section will consider the multi-dimensional situation.

Let’s say rather than standard deviation, we want to consider the interquartile range (IQR). We can define a function that can take a list and calculate / return the value of the test statistic (IQR in this case) to use with mcpt.permutation_test

import numpy as np

def iqr(x):
    q3 = np.quantile(x, .75)
    q1 = np.quantile(x, .25)
    return q3 - q1

We can now call mcpt.permutation_test with f=iqr. In the below example we create x and y by sampling from a normal distribution with mean = 0.5, std=0.5 and mean = 0.5, std=1.5 respectively. We would expect x to have a lower IQR than y, and can test this as follows:

import mcpt

# Generate x
x = [np.random.normal(0.5, 0.5) for _ in range(100)]
# Generate y
y = [np.random.normal(0.5, 1.5) for _ in range(100)]
# Run the permutation test
result = mcpt.permutation_test(x, y, side="lower", f=iqr)

The result may vary from run-to-run (unseeded), but the result obtained should be something around Result(lower=0.0, upper=0.0006630497334598373, confidence=0.99); unsurprisingly, a statistically significant difference was detected.

Of course, scipy has an interquartile range function, and this can be used directly instead of defining a custom function.

from scipy import stats as _st
result = mcpt.permutation_test(x, y, side="lower", f=_st.iqr)

Which gives (subject to randomness) approximately the same answer. Thus, to summarize, mcpt.permutation_test gives a flexible interface for hypothesis testing.

3.2.2. Multi-dimensional inputs

It may be the case that, rather than having as single value for the members of your group, you have multiple values. An example use-case for this would be where you have a pair of values \((x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2)...(x_i, y_i)\) for two groups, A and B, and you wish to test whether the correlation between x and y differs between A and B.

mcpt.permutation_test puts no restrictions on what x and y look like, and so you can define custom functions that are aware of this shape. The below example shows this for considering whether there is a statistically significant difference in the correlation of variables in two groups (and fails to reject the null hypothesis).

import mcpt

from scipy.stats import pearsonr

x = [(10, 8), (9, 6), (8, 9), (2, 4), (5, 3), (3, 10), (3, 4), (8,10)]
y = [(1, 9), (10, 4), (2, 3), (2, 8), (5, 9), (7, 2), (5, 5), (1, 4)]

def pearson_correlation(a):
        x_vals = [i[0] for i in a]
        y_vals = [i[1] for i in a]

        return pearsonr(x_vals, y_vals)[0]

result = mcpt.permutation_test(x, y, side="both", f=pearson_correlation)
# Result(lower=0.11605000822777765, upper=0.13304820734194409, confidence=0.99)

3.3. Correlation permutation test

Similar to mcpt.permutation_test, this mcpt.correlation_permutation_test can accept a custom function where a custom test statistic is being calculated. We anticipate that these will most often be either spearmanr or pearsonr. However, other correlation measures exist (e.g., Kendall’s tau).

The key difference in the implementation of custom functions for mcpt.correlation_permutation_test is that we expect to be able to pass two variables to it – x and y.

import mcpt

from scipy.stats import kendalltau

x = [4.02, 4.52, 4.79, 4.89, 5.27, 5.63, 5.89, 6.08, 6.13, 6.19, 6.47]
y = [4.56, 2.92, 2.71, 3.34, 3.53, 3.47, 3.20, 4.51, 3.76, 3.77, 4.03]

def ktau(x, y):
        tau, _ = kendalltau(x, y)
        return tau

result = mcpt.correlation_permutation_test(x, y, side="both", f=ktau)
# Result(lower=0.1594695442150737, upper=0.17876952731842338, confidence=0.99)

The above example is from here, where the true value was found to be 0.1646.